Wiley-Blackwell ebook Smith's Elements of Soil Mechanics 10E

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sku: 9781119750413

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  • ISBN: 9781119750413
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Smith’s Elements of Soil Mechanics

The revised 10th edition of the core textbook on soil mechanics

The revised and updated edition of Smith’s Elements of Soil Mechanics continues to offer a core undergraduate textbook on soil mechanics. The author, a noted expert in geotechnical engineering, reviews all aspects of soil mechanics and provides a detailed explanation of how to use both the current and the next versions of Eurocode 7 for geotechnical design. Comprehensive in scope, the book includes accessible explanations, helpful illustrations, and worked examples and covers a wide range of topics including slope stability, retaining walls and shallow and deep foundations.

The text is updated throughout to include additional material and more worked examples that clearly illustrate the processes for performing testing and design to the new European standards. In addition, the book’s accessible format provides the information needed to understand how to use the first and second generations of Eurocode 7 for geotechnical design. The second generation of this key design code has seen a major revision and the author explains the new methodology well, and has provided many worked examples to illustrate the design procedures. The new edition also contains a new chapter on constitutive modeling in geomechanics and updated information on the strength of soils, highway design and laboratory and field testing. This important text:

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Authors N/A
Brand John Wiley & Sons
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781119750413
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A