Wiley ebook Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis

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sku: 9781119672951

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  • ISBN: 9781119672951
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Highly regarded for its clarity and depth of coverage, the bestselling Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis provides a comprehensive introduction to the highway-related problems civil engineers encounter every day. Emphasizing practical applications and up-to-date methods, this book prepares students for real-world practice while building the essential knowledge base required of a transportation professional. In-depth coverage of highway engineering and traffic analysis, road vehicle performance, traffic flow and highway capacity, pavement design, travel demand, traffic forecasting, and other essential topics equips students with the understanding they need to analyze and solve the problems facing America’s highway system.

This new Seventh Australia and New Zealand Edition features a new e-book format that allows for enhanced pedagogy, with instant access to solutions for selected problems. Coverage focuses exclusively on highway transportation to reflect the dominance of U.S. highway travel and the resulting employment opportunities, while the depth and scope of coverage is designed to prepare students for success on standardized civil engineering exams.

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Authors N/A
Brand John Wiley & Sons
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781119672951
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A