Worth ebook Evolution: Making Sense of Life

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sku: 9781319322212

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  • ISBN: 9781319322212
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Evolution: Making Sense of Life brings technical rigor and conceptual depth that today’s biology students require. Zimmer, an award-winning New York Times columnist, brings compelling storytelling to the book, bringing evolutionary research to life through a narrative sure to capture the attention of evolution students. With riveting stories about evolutionary biologists at work everywhere from the Arctic to tropical rainforests to hospital wards, the book is a reading adventure designed to grab the imagination of students, showing them exactly why it is that evolution makes such brilliant sense of life. This edition of Evolution: Making Sense of Life is now supported in SaplingPlus. Created and supported by the author and other educators, SaplingPlus’s instructional online homework drives student success and saves educators’ time. Automatically graded homework problem contains hints, answer-specific feedback, and solutions to ensure that students find the help they need.

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Authors N/A
Brand Worth
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781319322212
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A